Education Support
If you do not have access to technology, you are at a disadvantage.

We are giving away new Apple MacBook Airs and iPads.
How the education program works?
Our scholarship program begins with the generosity of our donors and the proceeds from the sale of used Apple equipment and merchandise from our 'Prosperity, In Spite Of...' brand. These resources are then transformed into brand-new Apple MacBook Airs and iPads, which we distribute to individuals in need.

Before the technology age we had textbooks and encyclopedias to reference. These were great resources but by the time they were published, some of the information was dated. This was useful for leaning history, but difficult to learn current events.
Before Technology

Turning information into knowledge is key to advancing education. The use of technology gives us access to a world of information and speeds up the learning process.
Technology Advantage

Accelerating Learning
Computers, tablets and smartphones have put information at our fingertips and have greatly changed the way we learn. Information can be updated and shared within seconds. Want to learn about almost any topic, simply search online.

Your contributions truly make an impact.
Donate gently used or new equipment that is still viable for refurbishment.
Contribute financially by donating dollars to support the cause.
Explore our online shop and make product purchases.
Your donations, whether in the form of refurbished equipment, monetary support, or online purchases, will directly contribute to our initiative of providing new MacBook Airs and iPads to those in need.
How can you help?